Damon Lynch - "Two Yazgulomis"

Опубликовано25 сен 2011, 02:45:55
Оценки4.67 [9|2|1|0|0]
МодельCanon EOS 5D Mark II
Выдержка1/320 s
Фокальное расстояние85 mm
Чувствительность ISO800
Дата и время сьемки2011:07:19 19:34:53
Режим замераPattern
ВспышкаFlash did not fire, compulsory flash mode
Програмное обеспечениеAdobe Photoshop CS5 Windows
admin foto.tj udali etot profil   | 25 сен 2011, 08:23:24 | #1  
прекрасно все детали выделяются - а что за объектив использовался ?!!
Damon Lynch   | 25 сен 2011, 08:27:41 | #1.1  
The Canon EF 85mm f/1.2 L II is my favorite lens with which to photograph people
unstrshpelh   | 25 сен 2011, 10:01:49 | #2  
Does your photo oversaturated with red channel on the women's faces?
Damon Lynch   | 25 сен 2011, 10:05:19 | #2.1  
Is your monitor calibrated and are you using a web browser using the correct color profile? On Windows or Linux, that means Firefox with a manually specified color profile. For instance if you are using a wide-gamut monitor and Google Chrome, the colors will be rendered incorrectly and the woman's faces could look red.
unstrshpelh   | 25 сен 2011, 10:18:46 | #2.2  
My browser uses sRGB color profile. And as i know the sRGB color profile is the de facto rule for Internet. My monitor has approximate calibration.
Let us ask another professional monitor owners about colors of this photo.
Bakhriddin®   | 25 сен 2011, 10:46:53 | #2.3  
on my monitor oversaturated with red channel on the women's faces
DENIS   | 25 сен 2011, 11:09:14 | #3  
on my monitor's is the same picture
Эрадж   | 25 сен 2011, 12:02:38 | #4  
I've loaded the picture in Photoshop CS5, Monitor is NEC PA271W-BK-SV, calibrated with Spectraview Software and Hardware. I've dimmed the light, took a cup of coffee, prayed 4 times to the Photography Gods (Shutter, Aperture and Bokeh), then turned on Def Leppard's "Photograph" song on my Dali Evidence 890 Speakers and you know what?

This picture does not look over-saturated to me. I'd rather say it reflects the natural color of some Pamir highlanders who get exposed to the Sun much more than we do.

Thanks for sharing Damon.
unstrshpelh   | 25 сен 2011, 21:18:42 | #4.1  
Эрадж , I got SMILEYS_GIRLWACKO with you.
Михаил Романюк   | 28 сен 2011, 08:35:42 | #5  
I haven't such equipment as Eraj does, but my screen good enough to agree with Eraj and say that woman does not have red face but only cheeks which is natural for highlanders. Although I would say that image is 'on the edge' of acceptable saturation.
Tee Hey   | 28 сен 2011, 10:33:43 | #6  
I hope that after similar photos, the impression about my Tajikistan won't be such, as a whole i mean. Damon, consider also this fact, please Smile
Damon Lynch   | 28 сен 2011, 10:44:56 | #7  
I'm sorry Tee Hey, I don't know what you mean. Along with the Wakhan valley, Yazgulom is one of the most beautiful and interesting places I have visited in Tajikistan. People in Yazgulom do not have much money but they are rich in other areas of life.
00000   | 27 фев 2012, 14:47:55 | #8  
A man takes a picture.
Girls just blushed from confusion. Smile Smile